Archive for January 23, 2011

Set-Up for a Math Joke

This morning at the gym, I noticed an older gentleman filling out membership forms and donning a John Deere baseball cap.

John Deere Baseball Cap

I walked over and asked, “Are you a geometry teacher?”

He paused in filling out the forms, looked up, and eyed me suspiciously. “Um, no,” he said skeptically.

“Oh, well, I saw your hat, so I just assumed that you’re pro-tractor,” I said.

The woman at the front desk chuckled mildly. The man didn’t even smile.

“I’ve been waiting a decade to use that joke,” I explained. “You’re the first person I’ve seen wearing a John Deere hat since I first heard it.”

He removed his hat and looked at it. Perhaps he had forgotten which hat he was wearing. When he saw the John Deere logo, he finally understood and gave a half-hearted smile.

“Well, I’m glad I could help,” he said, then tapped the top of my head good-naturedly with his hat.

(This story is completely true. I’m not normally the type to approach strangers at the gym and strike up a conversation, but this was just a little too perfect. When I later told my wife about the incident, her highly appropriate response was, “You are such a dork!”)

January 23, 2011 at 6:51 pm 1 comment

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The Math Jokes 4 Mathy Folks blog is an online extension to the book Math Jokes 4 Mathy Folks. The blog contains jokes submitted by readers, new jokes discovered by the author, details about speaking appearances and workshops, and other random bits of information that might be interesting to the strange folks who like math jokes.

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