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The Remote Associates (RAT) and Close Associates (CAT) Tests

The Remote Associates Test (RAT) is a test used to determine a person’s creative potential. When given a collection of three seemingly unrelated words, subjects are asked to supply a fourth word that is somehow related to each of the three stimulus words. For example, if you were given the words cottage, swiss, and cake, you’d answer cheese, because when combined with the three stimuli, you get cottage cheese, swiss cheese, and cheesecake.

To try your hand at one of these tests, you can head to, or you can just keep on reading.

The verdict is out as to whether a high score on the RAT actually means you’re more creative. But what’s not in doubt is how much I love to solve, and to create, these items. It’s a good game for long car rides, and my wife, sons, and I can amuse ourselves for hours by creating and sharing them with one another.

For your enjoyment, I present the following mathematical RAT test: The fourth word related to the three stimulus words in each set is a common math term. Enjoy!

  1. attack / acute / fish
  2. inner / around / full
  3. phone / one / mixed
  4. powers / rotational / point
  5. up / on / hot
  6. tipping / blank / selling
  7. even / duck / couple
  8. black / Bermuda / love
  9. inkhorn / limits / short
  10. sub / hour / tolerance
  11. world / television / infinite
  12. ball / camp / data
  13. Dracula / head / sheep
  14. field / dead / stage
  15. town / off / meal
  16. air / hydro / geometry
  17. common / X / fudge
  18. key / bodily / dis
  19. disaster / 51 / grey
  20. ball / S / hairpin

The Close Associates Test (CAT) is a similar, yet completely fictitious, test that I just made up. Each item on a CAT test contains three words which do not appear to be unrelated in the least; in fact, they are so closely related that finding the fourth word they have in common is somewhat trivial. The following mathematical CAT test will not measure your creativity, though it might reasonably determine the depth of your mathematical vocabulary. Good luck!

  1. acute / obtuse / right
  2. scalene / equilateral / isosceles
  3. sine / logistic / regression
  4. real / irrational / whole
  5. proper / improper / reduced
  6. convergent / infinite / divergent
  7. in / circum / ortho
  8. Pythagorean / De Moivre’s / Ramsey’s
  9. exponential / differential / Diophantine
  10. convex / concave / regular
  11. golden / common / test
  12. square / cube / rational

RAT Answers:

  1. angle
  2. circle
  3. number
  4. axis
  5. line
  6. point
  7. odd
  8. triangle
  9. term
  10. zero
  11. series
  12. base
  13. count
  14. center
  15. square
  16. plane
  17. factor
  18. function
  19. area
  20. curve

CAT Answers:

  1. angle
  2. triangle
  3. curve
  4. number
  5. fraction
  6. series
  7. center
  8. theorem
  9. equation
  10. polygon
  11. ratio
  12. root (or number)

Feel free to submit more triples for the RAT or CAT test in the comments.

September 6, 2017 at 7:24 am Leave a comment

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The Math Jokes 4 Mathy Folks blog is an online extension to the book Math Jokes 4 Mathy Folks. The blog contains jokes submitted by readers, new jokes discovered by the author, details about speaking appearances and workshops, and other random bits of information that might be interesting to the strange folks who like math jokes.

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