Archive for September 14, 2015

Loot™ — Best Game Ever?


Loot™ by Gamewright

If Loot isn’t the best game of all time, it’s at least the best game for International Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19).

For those who don’t know, Loot is a pirate-themed card game in which you can do three things:

  • Send a merchant ship out to sea.
  • Attack a merchant ship with pirate ships.
  • Play a pirate king or admiral to increase your attack strength.

I bought the game on a whim when visiting Powell’s City of Books several months ago, and it’s clearly the best random purchase of my life. (It far exceeds the tattoo of Rene Descartes that mysteriously appeared on my posterior the morning after one helluva night in Hoboken, NJ. Don’t ask.) The game has many appealing qualities:

  • Simple to learn. It takes less than 10 minutes.
  • Fast to play. A game can be completed in 20 minutes.
  • Strategically challenging. The strategy is not obvious. (I’ve played quite a few times, and I’m not even sure that my strategy is effective, let alone optimal.)
  • And not least important, the following is a direct quotation from the official rules:
    We find that the game’s even more fun when everyone talks in pirate accents.

How do you not love a game that gives that kind of directive? When playing in teams, we ask the following questions to elicit a pirate response:

  • What’s the circumference of a circle divided by 2π?
  • What’s the eighth most common letter in the English language?
  • What is d ÷ t?
  • What’s the 18th letter of the alphabet?
  • Which set of numbers includes the rationals and irrationals?
  • Which letter appears most often in refrigerator?
  • What electrical property is measured in ohms (Ω)?

Here are some other mathy pirate jokes that might amuse.

What has 12 legs and 12 eyes?
A dozen pirates!

What is the pirate alphabet?

What do pirates and Descartes have in common?
They think, therefore they ARR!

How much did the pirate pay for his peg and hook?
An arm and a leg!

Did you know that 3.14% of sailors are pi-rates?

Finally — even though it’s not Pi Day — here’s an image you might enjoy, compliments of Illuminations.


September 14, 2015 at 12:40 am Leave a comment

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